martes, 1 de marzo de 2016


¡Hasta el oso apoyó a DiCaprio!

Fue durante la ceremonia de ayer antes de que ganara el Oscar®. ¿Cómo reaccionó el actor?

Como dijimos, Leo DiCaprio tenía todo el apoyo para quedarse con el Oscar® a Mejor Actor en la 88va entrega de Premios de la Academia®. Sus colegas y sus familiares estaban con él y los fans podían volverse locos si no era el ganador del quinteto en el que competía contra Bryan Cranston (Trumbo), Eddie Redmayne (The Danish Girl), Matt Damon (The Martian) y Michael Fassbender (Steve Jobs).

Pero no eran los únicos que querían verlo con la estatuilla dorada sobre el escenario del Dolby Theatre. Durante el evento, mientras presentaban a "El renacido" (The Revenant) como una de las candidatas a Mejor Películase vio a un oso aplaudiéndolo. Obviamente, no era uno real, sino alguien disfrazado como tal. ¿Su reacción? Una leve sonrisa, quizás producto del nerviosismo que tenía por lo que podía ocurrir sobre el ocaso de la ceremonia que emitió TNT.

Vale recordar que en el film dirigido por Alejandro González Iñárritu su personaje Hugh Glass pelea cuerpo a cuerpo con este animal. De hecho, esa escena sirvió de inspiración para gran cantidad de memes y gif animados que se usaron en las redes sociales para insinuar que la bestia podía ser finalmente el verdadero vencedor.

¡Even the bear supports DiCaprio!

It was during yesterday's ceremony before he won the Academy Award. ¿How he reacted actor?

As we said, Leo DiCaprio had all the support to keep the Academy Award for Best Actor at the 88th awards ceremony of the Academy. His colleagues and family were with him and the fans could go crazy if it was not the winner of the quintet in which competing against Bryan Cranston (Trumbo), Eddie Redmayne (The Danish Girl), Matt Damon (The Martian) and Michael Fassbender ( Steve Jobs).

But they were not the only ones who wanted to see him with the golden statuette on stage at the Dolby Theatre. During the event, as presented to "The reborn" (The Revenant) as one of the candidates for Best Picture, he was a bear applauding. Obviously, it was not a real one, but someone dressed as such. Your reaction? A slight smile, perhaps product of nervousness that had so could happen on the evening of the ceremony that issued TNT.

It is worth remembering that in the film directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu his character Hugh Glass melee fight with this animal. In fact, that scene was the inspiration for lots of memes and animated gif that were used in social media to insinuate that the beast could finally be the real victor.